
The 英国威廉希尔中文网站 职业倡导者 are student leaders who provide outreach and initial career development support to students. They meet with students seeking advice/support on career-related topics like resume and cover letter development. The Advocates are conveniently available in the Center for Career Development on a walk-in basis; no appointment is necessary! Check out their drop-in hours below! Appointments, however, can be made by emailing a Career Advocate.

Virtual appointments available by emailing a Career Advocate.


职业倡导者 group photo 2022

Career Advocate Drop-In Hours, Spring 2024

Career Advocate Drop-In Hours table
周一 周二 周三 周四 星期五
8:00-9:00 a.m. 本顿 艾略特 本顿 艾略特
9:00-10:00 a.m. 艾略特 艾略特
10:00-11:00 a.m. 艾略特


11:00-12:00 p.m. 德文郡
12:00-1:00 p.m. 德文郡

1:00-2:00 p.m.


赛迪 本顿
2:00-3:00 p.m.
赛迪 德文郡
3:00-4:00 p.m.
德文郡 赛迪 德文郡
4:00-5:00 p.m.


  • 主要: 运动科学,Pre-PT
  • 家乡: Terre Haute, IN
  • 有趣的事实: Plays Professional Disc Golf
  • 传记: 艾略特 is way too energetic for someone who doesn't drink coffee. On campus, 艾略特 is involved as an 入学s Ambassador and a Resident Assistant in New Hall. 在他空闲的时候, he plays and teaches disc golf, watches the Boston Celtics, and plays board games with his friends. He is enrolled in the direct entry program to the 英国威廉希尔中文网站's graduate DPT school and hopes to become a pediatric Physical Therapist one day.
  • 联系人: eb360@offdawallmusiq.com

艾略特Boutell Profile Photo


  • 主要: 认知科学
  • 小: 社会学
  • 家乡: 西雅图,华盛顿州
  • 传记: 赛迪Scovern is curious, creative, enthusiastic, and empathetic person. Her passions include singing, crafting, and drawing. Spending time with people is one of her favorite things to do, especially when it involves interesting conversations and lots of laughing. She is involved in RSA as the Director of Special Events, and she enjoys working collaboratively with other students and generating ideas for fun future events.
  • 联系人: ss777@offdawallmusiq.com

赛迪Scovern Profile Photo


  • 家乡: 特雷·霍特,印第安纳州
  • 专业: Communication and Political Science
  • 有趣的事实: Because her family loves engineering and robotics, 德文郡's puppy Otis is named after the man who invented the elevator!
  • 传记: 德文是个乐观主义者, 充满激情的, and team-oriented person who loves working with others to help them reach their goals. She's been involved in FIRST Robotics since she was nine, and still volunteers for the program. 德文郡 hopes to work for FIRST as a STEM education lobbyist after graduation. 在她空闲的时候, 戴文喜欢跳舞, 读, 写, and work on art projects like calligraphy and bullet journaling.
  • 联系人: dl142@offdawallmusiq.com

德文郡兰利 Profile Photo


  • 家乡: 埃文斯维尔,印第安纳州
  • 主要: 心理学
  • 有趣的事实: 我已经登上了珠穆朗玛峰. 非洲的乞力马扎罗山
  • 传记: When she’s not spending time with her friends and family, 苏 loves spending time with her dog, 瞻博网络, 还有两只豚鼠, 黛西和罗斯. She loves to 读, dance, do yoga, and spend time in nature. 苏 has also traveled a lot and enjoys experiencing different cultures and foods. She uses her social skills and enthusiasm to create connections with others and she hopes to put this to use as a career advocate. After graduation, 苏 hopes to attend DPT school at UE.
  • 联系人: sp193@offdawallmusiq.com



  • 家乡: 俄亥俄州辛辛那提
  • 专业: Political Science and Criminal Justice
  • 未成年人: 法律研究与音乐
  • 有趣的事实: I have laid the wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery twice.
  • 传记: 本顿 is an ambitious, goal-oriented person that values knowledge and education. He has played oboe for nine years and continues to play in the University Wind Ensemble. 本顿’s true passion lies in politics. His career goals include working as a Federal Prosecutor, 竞选国会议员, and being elected as Speaker of the House of Representatives.
  • 联系人: bs361@offdawallmusiq.com

本顿·辛普森 Profile Photo